Jump start your growth.
In addition to therapy and workshops we have other resources that have helped couples. From books to audio records, there are many things you can do from home to help you continuing to grow. When it comes to personal and relational growth, like most anything, the more you put into it the more you will get out of it.
This page, organized by the type of program, summarizes the various couples’ resources that are offered by The Couples Institute and The Couples Institute Counseling Services. We have also included additional quality work by other highly skilled professional.
“Initiating Calm Discussions”
In this e-book by Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. and Peter Pearson, Ph.D., you will discover three different perspectives for every discussion. You’ll also learn two specific roles you and your partner can use to improve challenging discussions. And you’ll get a six-step exercise that prepares you to bring up even the most sensitive topic. Tell me more…
“Tell Me No Lies”
This book by Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. and Peter Pearson, Ph.D. presents insightful case examples of couples who illustrate typical behavior patterns. You will follow along as two couples—John and Sarah, and Paul and Mary—work through issues to build stronger marriages. Becoming conscious of the lies within your marriage through an understanding of when, how and why you lie, will help you make your marriage stronger. Tell me more…
Book Study Guide
“Return to Eden: The Adam and Eve Guide to Improving Your Relationship”
Created by best-selling author Bruce Feiler, Dr. Ellyn Bader, and Dr. Peter Pearson, this “Return to Eden” study guide is designed to be used with Bruce’s latest book, The First Story: Adam, Eve and Us. The guide is a first-of-its-kind to helping you deepen, strengthen, and enrich your relationship by drawing on the many commonalities between the story of Adam and Eve, as told in the Bible and throughout history, and the developmental approach to couples therapy. Click here to get it.
Audio Programs
“Beyond I-Messages”
In this downloadable one hour audio, Pete and Ellyn teach you an innovative approach to discussing challenging topics. Listen or read to learn a unique structure to guide you through your toughest topics. Then you and your partner can start discussing difficulties without triggering defensive reflexes in each other. Learn more.
“My Passive Aggressive Partner is Driving Me Nuts!”
Before retiring as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Peter Pearson developed an audio workshop, of over 100 minutes, that shows you how to recognize core passive aggressive characteristics, how to understand the origins of this behavior, and how to help you and your partner set positive goals. You’ll hear suggestions for what you can do to handle this frustrating dynamic. You’ll learn how to make significant changes that can improve your life together. Learn more.
“Soothing Moments: Rapid Relationship Repair”
Pete and Ellyn’s teleseminar called “Rapid Relationship Repair,” is available as a downloadable audio file and transcript. Just by listening or reading, you will learn what to say and do to alleviate pain more rapidly, how to move past the pain, and how to enjoy more closeness with your partner. Learn more.
Other Recommendations
- Intimacy After Infidelity by Steven Solomon PhD and Lorie Teagno PhD
- Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner
- Sexual Intelligence by Marty Klein
Click here to see a list of other websites with information for couples.
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