Update To the 30day challenge

Update To the 30day challenge

It’s been about 2 weeks since I started my shelter in place checklist. I have not done it perfectly, but I’ve done something every day.  I do feel less overwhelmed, more grounded and more connected to myself and others.  As predicted, I’m busier than I was 2 weeks ago and yet I feel better.  I’ve even been able to take some of my own advice and do some of the fun, memory making activities from my previous blog Ways for Couples to Connect during Sheltering in Place.

One thing I did everyday since my video is to check in with my 5 senses and think of things I’m grateful for.  I think this helped me stay more present and when I felt pulled in 1,000 different directions, I was able to stay calm and better triage what I needed to do first.  This didn’t always mean doing the “adult” thing like the cleaning, emails, or returning a call.  Sometimes it meant building a box fort with my kids and having a nerf battle. Other times it was just sitting and enjoying a cold drink and a few minutes of peace or playing a board game with my husband.  Of course, other times it was all adulting.

Yet, when I listened to what I felt my first and most important task was, I was overall more content at the end of the day.  I also noticed that the kids were happier, my husband and I were more connected, and everyone felt more refreshed.

I’m not saying everything was perfect.  It wasn’t.  There were bumps, tears and bickering; it’s not magical! Yet tension decreased and connection increased, so it is a win so far!  I would love to hear your experiences with this challenge.  2 weeks till the next update!

If you have missed my blog on 30 Days Challenge.  Click HERE.

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